
A strong and talented mom.

A Mom of Steel

When I was a little girl, I worried incessantly, over just about everything. I did this as a way to protect myself from shock and disappointment if something bad happened. I would worry about upcoming tests at school, so that I would be prepared if I received a bad grade. I would worry about recess at school, so that if my classmates didn’t want to play with me, I could face it without crying. And as I got older, this worrying took on more of a “preventative” role in my mind. If, for example, I worried about my parents getting into a car accident, this somehow prevented it from actually happening. And I used the fact that my parents never did get into a car accident as proof that this preventative worrying was actually working. And then as I got older still, I faced a variety of challenges, and for…

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A Mom of Steel

My superpower is overcoming obstacles with optimism


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Go Jules Go

Author. Blogger. Chipmunk enthusiast.

Studio Mothers: Life & Art

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