Pizza Movie Night!

Friday nights at our house have become a tradition: Pizza Movie Night! I started this when Ava was probably 20 months old. I was working full time, Sean was working more than full time trying to get his business up and running and frankly by Friday night we were exhausted (who isn’t?!)
So I instituted a lazy night! Order pizza and put on a good ‘ole Disney classic! It was magical! When Ava was really little she would sit in her high chair and eat, and it would take her almost the entire length of the film to finish! That meant approximately 90 minutes of completely zoning out, only having to ensure she was not choking on a crust.
Our Fridays have kept up ever since. The only (semi crappy) thing that has changed, is that now that I’m on maternity leave and the purse strings are more than tight, they are choking me in fact, we make our own pizza-crust included! It really doesn’t take long and Ava loves it! Not to mention it is much more cost effective! (Must make purse happy…) she helps knead the dough, rolls out her own mini crust (sometimes in various shapes when I’m feeling crafty) and puts on her own sauce and cheese! Easy peasy. She has gotten faster at eating, so now we get to enjoy a post-pizza cuddle before it’s up for bed. Her aging advantage also works with movie choices as we are no longer solely subjected to one of many Disney princess movies anymore. Some kid/adult favourites currently include: Monsters Inc. and Despicable Me. Still a great Friday night, even with a little heavy lifting involved!




Squeaky Clean

So today I cleaned two bathrooms, a fish tank and flossed my teeth all by 9:30. Impressed? I think so.


A new addition!


Hi! My name is Erin! I have a husband, Sean and two adorable children: Ava and Daniel. Daniel is our newest member, being only 6 months old and Ava just turned 4. She had been beside herself with excitement waiting for our babe to arrive. She kept saying, surprisingly, that she wanted a brother, and low and behold, there he was. 8lbs of perfection! Obviously, being on mat leave with two kids, I have nothing better to do with my time than start a blog, but here I am, writing about the nonsensical goings on of my days. We’ll see how she goes…

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Go Jules Go

Author. Blogger. Chipmunk enthusiast.

Studio Mothers: Life & Art

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Howdy! We're the largest independent bookstore in Texas. This is our blog.


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