Go Pro!

What parent isn’t obsessively in love with their new miracle? (Truth be told, the obsession never fades). Needless to say, dozens upon dozens of photos ensue. In our digital age, pictures are abundant and you will surely find yourself sifting through hundreds of oh-so-cute pics of a dozing, unsmiling baby. And you will love every single one.

So, should you use a professional photographer? And if so, when?

I would 100% recommend using a professional (grandma doesn’t count-unless of course she is a professional). I mean actually pay someone who knows about lighting and posing, lenses and angles and all that professional stuff that they get paid for. Think of your wedding-how many of those disposable camera shots would you actually hang on your wall? Nothing will become more precious to you than newborn photos.

It is best to have this done within the baby’s first ten days of life. This is because they still have that adorable squishy, scrunchy position perfected. They are still womb like. The pink skin, the wrinkles, the curled up legs and fingers and tiny toes. It is the image of wonder and perfection and they will never, ever, look like that again. They are also still very sleepy and non-moving and will be very cooperative for poses. It will be near impossible to get a 6 month old to sit and look in one direction, nevermind lay dozily in a fur lined laundry basket.

So spend the money, capture that perfection and when they colour on your walls in a year, look at them and cry and remember that they still are a perfect miracle!

My favourite go to lady: Tami Mcinnis


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